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Exploring Bimini

Once we secured Freya in a slip at Blue Water Marina, Todd headed to Customs and Immigration to clear us into the Bahamas. With the required documents in hand, he had an easy time clearing in and we were now free to explore the Bahamas for up to six months. We took down the yellow quarantine flag and hoisted our Bahamian courtesy flag. Hooray! We're official! We made it to our first international port of call aboard Freya!

We were excited to explore the island and soon set off on foot. North Bimini in seven miles long and only 700 feet wide so the Atlantic was a quick walk over the hill. We walked along Radio beach, gazed across the ocean we had just crossed and tried to soak it all in.

We smoothly passed our required post-arrival COVID test and over the next several days, explored the settlement of Alicetown with it's narrow streets and colorful buildings.

We did laundry, enjoyed our first Bahamian conch salad, met young kids riding bikes, ate amazing local bread and cooked plantains. We made our first cruising friends, a wonderful family from Washington state, on Alfin II and a fun couple from the midwest on Consort.

We walked the beach, swam in the ocean and enjoyed incredible sunsets from Freya's cockpit. We also saw poverty and strong, friendly people working hard in challenging economic conditions.

We took the ferry 150 yards across to South Bimini, a quiet settlement with another great ocean beach and wonderful nature walk where we learned about Bahamian flora and fauna.

After a week in Bimini, we had a good weather window to sail further east and south to the Exuma island chain. We prepared Freya ready for an overnight passage and said goodbye to our new friends. It was time to continue our journey. Go Freya!


Mark Styles
Mark Styles
May 03, 2022

Great pictures. The adventures grows. Thank You for sharing your adventures with us.


Carey Owens
Apr 24, 2022

I’m having so much fun going on your adventures with you both! Thank you for sharing ❤️

Apr 30, 2022
Replying to

Thanks Carey! You’d love it!


Liz Bruning
Liz Bruning
Apr 23, 2022

Great post. Love seeing those beautiful places. We sat in the very same spot at the conch stand.

Apr 30, 2022
Replying to

Thanks sis!

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