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Ready...Set...Go Freya!

Timing is everything. Exactly one year from when we stepped on Freya for the first time, we are ready to set sail. Freya has been patiently waiting for this day. She's been docked at Waterford Harbor Marina in Kemah, Texas since her previous owner, Scott, sailed her here from the Caribbean. We sailed her in Galveston Bay a few times during our April visit and several times since we moved aboard on September 1. She's itching for blue water and so is her crew! So what have we been doing for the last three months? Lots and lots of boat projects. We learned to exercise...patience...persistence...positivity (had that). If house projects take twice as long as planned, boat projects take three times longer! The good news - we know Freya inside and out much better than we did three months ago!

Thanks to Valerie in TC and John at Little Yacht Sales, Freya's decal has been refreshed and updated with our hailing port of Traverse City.

Off the dock! We left our home on Pier 6 on November 29 with our Little Yacht Sales friends giving us a fond farewell. We had a wonderful sail to Redfish Island and anchored for the night.

Our journey has finally begun. Pinch me. On November 30, we motored through the Houston Ship Channel to Galveston and anchored in a sweet little harbor called Offatts Bayou. We will hang out here until we have a good weather window to cross the Gulf of Mexico to Florida. You can follow our route across the Gulf here:


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